Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Day 6 - Puerto Rico

Today was another day of roofing but up in the mountains of Humacao. We stripped a whole tar roof off of the concrete roof. Tomorrow we still have to wash it, repair the concrete divots, seal the rather extensive cracking, then seal the whole roof. It may take two more days.

The upside is that we took our lunch break back at the beach.

A few other notes on the project in general. We only work on one (or one and a half) story structures. Therefore in order to get assistance many of the homeowners had to tear off the top floor.

There are 900+ homes on the list for roof work. We run 4-8 roof crews a day. A roof takes an average of 3 days to seal. After the roof work is done the mold remediation crews can do their thing. Most homes are inhabited in spite of the mold.

One of our homeowners was give a FEMA check of $136. The sealant cost was close to $2000, the labor 250 man-hours. This doesn't include mold removal, cosmetic paint, furniture and appliance replacement, etc.

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